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We have 27 classes housing 7th to 9th grade students, which includes one talented and one learning disability programs. The total number of students is approximate 836 with faculty members of 80 to assist them.

The campus is composed of three main buildings that provide 10 special-subject classrooms, 2 audio & video rooms, 1 multimedia showroom, 2 computer labs, and a main library.

Other facilities include 1 assembly hall, 2 basketball courts, 2 volleyball fields, and PU sports tracks.

Recently, Taipei City Government has granted US$ one million budget to us for improving school buildings and surrounding landscape, hoping to provide students with a more joyful and colorful learning atmosphere.

In addition, Datong district is one of the oldest communities in Taipei City. It plays an important roll in the history of Taipei development. Thus, one can easily spot historical buildings, temples and interesting corners along with their stories on streetscape. Ceremonials events happen around the year among small warm communities. All these have cultivated the colorful campus life for all seasons.